What is a Virtual Assistant?

vir•tu•al  (vur?choo w?l)  adj.  being such practically or in effect, although not in actual fact or name — Webster’s New World Dictionary

as•sist•ant  (? sis?t?nt)  n.  a person who assists or serves in a subordinate position; helper — Webster’s New World Dictionary

Just like anything else today that is virtual, a Virtual Assistant is a person who performs tasks without being physically in the office.  Many formerly in-house functions are being outsourced to Virtual Assistants, such as IT support, accounting, marketing, and, by far the most prevalent, administrative support.

By utilizing today’s technology it is no longer necessary to have an administrative assistant as an on-site employee. Instead, whether you require full- or part-time support, you can employ a Virtual Assistant to handle the administrative tasks which are needed for running a successful business. This enables you to focus more on your current — and future — clients.

A Virtual Assistant can handle tasks such as the ones listed below, as well as many other projects

  • Finalizing presentations, research and other documents
  • Managing document libraries
  • Interfacing with your clients
  • Maintaining your calendar
  • Assembling and mailing client marketing packets
  • Bulk mailings
  • Tracking contact information
  • Event planning

For many business owners/solo-preneurs contracting with a Virtual Assistant for administrative support has been the single most important action taken to move their business to the next level of success.

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